Westerra Credit Union Making a Difference

Westerra’s partnership helps underwrite the CGA and Colorado Junior Golf Association tournament seasons as well as CGA programs such as the Solich Caddie & Leadership Academy, the Hale Irwin Elite Player Program and Community & Wellness Programs.

“The alignment is a great value for both of us,” said Ed Mate, executive director of the CGA. “They’re a membership organization, we’re a membership organization. They care a lot about Colorado and the community just as we do. We have a lot of common values. It’s a great fit for them and us.”

Dana Russell, manager of marketing and public relations at Westerra Credit Union, seconds that thought. “Their philosophy and structure are so in line with what we do,” Russell said of the CGA. “We’re both very involved with the community and with schools. There are so many nice ties that a partnership will enhance for both of us.”

The Solich Academy is an incredible opportunity for Westerra to be a part of creating new opportunities and futures for kids. In addition to providing financial education tips we offer services that will last a lifetime. Westerra donates $52.80 to the CGA for every new account opened to further support these initiatives. Consider opening any of the Westerra accounts and join us in making a difference. Westerra has custom branded credit and debit cards which distinguish our CGA members and creates awareness about the positive impacts our association makes in our communities. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!